AHA Vs. Cesar Millan?

We Must Work Together.

 in 2006, the American Humane Association (AHA) requested that the National Geographic Channel stop airing the program,[47] saying that training tactics shown on Dog Whisperer were inhumane, outdated and improper.[48] By November 2009, Millan had invited the American Humane Association to the set of Dog Whisperer, at which time, according to Millan, “they changed their state of mind about what is cruel”.[49] The association announced in February 2010 that despite “sharp differences of view in the past” and some lingering areas of disagreement, they shared many areas of interest with Millan.[50]

In February 2006, an article in the New York Times quoted Dr. Nicholas Dodman, director of the Animal Behavior Clinic at Tufts University‘s Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, said that his college had “written to National Geographic Channel and told them they have put dog training back 20 years”.[44] A New York Times August 2006 op-ed by Mark Derr, an author noted for his publications on dogs, criticized Dog Whisperer for its reliance on a “simplistic view of the dog’s social structure”. According to Derr, Millan’s methodology “flies in the face of what professional animal behaviorists—either trained and certified veterinarians or ethologists—have learned about normal and abnormal behavior in dogs”.[45] Millan’s theory of dominance in domestic dogs has been described as flawed.[46]



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